Who are we and what do we do?
The Secondary Education and Inclusion Partnerships were set up by Headteachers and Principals of Leicestershire Secondary Schools in response to a "cry for help" from the Local Authority in 2010-11. The LA's Secondary Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) had been placed in special measures by Ofsted and a representative group of Headteachers had stepped in to take on its leadership. ​ From this emerged a consensus across the county that secondary schools would abandon the use of Permanent Exclusion in all but the most exceptional cases.
Schools and Academies, working together in local groups - partnerships - agreed to share the responsibility for children and young people who, as a result of challenging behaviour, were unable to sustain their places in mainstream settings. A joint decision taken by the Local Authority with the schools led to the closure of the secondary PRU in Leicestershire and the devolving of funds previously used to fund the PRU and the central services that worked around it out to the newly constituted partnerships. ​
The Five Partnerships have evolved since 2013 to meet local needs. In all five partnerships the emphasis has focused on developing a graduated response to children and young people with challenging behaviour. The changes in the SEND Code of Practice - which are mirrored in the Youth Justice system - recognise behaviour as a form of communication - usually indicating underlying social, emotional and mental health difficulties in individual students. Partnerships have responded to this growing emphasis on the underlying causes of vulnerability by working together to strengthen the capacity of individual schools and academies to meet needs "in house". They have also worked to build the capacity of the system as a whole to work collectively to secure better outcomes for these children and young people even when they cannot be sustained in mainstream settings. https://www.leicsseips.org/partnerships-history
Admissions Explained
The Hinckley and Bosworth Education Partnership (HBEP) are a team who work with the Hinckley and Bosworth secondary schools to provide alternative provision for pupils who need to access a different pathway to that offered in the mainstream school. We accept pupils via school referral onto full or part time personalised programs of study and we manage the arrangements and monitor pupil safeguarding and progress on behalf of the school; all pupils receive regular visits from their HBEP keyworker. The school will make visits once every half term to see how the pupil is progressing and we give regular feedback to the school and parents.
Most pupils attend more than one setting and we discuss a pathway at the admission visit to plan for future career aspirations. Being at alternative provision is different to being at school and we talk through what this means for families when we visit. We work hard together with pupils and their families to ensure that being with HBEP is a positive experience and we encourage direct communication with us about any concerns that may arise:
HBEP Director and Lead DSL: Karen Wicks tel 07920522903 Email: kwicks@hbep.co.uk
HBEP Lead: Behaviour & Culture, DSL: Marcus Snook tel 07379091054 Email msnook@hbep.co.uk
Inclusion Support Manager (Outreach): Adam Wheldon tel: 07920 522964 Email: awheldon@hbep.co.uk
Transition Support Officer: Martyn Pawley tel: 07920522941 Email: mpawley@hbep.co.uk
Admin Support Officer, Attendance and Transport: Lorraine Gough tel: 07585 442162 Email: lgough@hbep.co.uk
Referral to HBEP is via secondary schools in the Hinckley and Bosworth areas and we manage pupils on both full and part time alternative provision programs. When a pupil has been referred to us, we will arrange a home visit to complete the admission process and to set up a personalised timetable with a range of alternative provision providers.
Information for Families
Provision Arrangements:
All staff at HBEP and at our alternative providers work hard to help pupils overcome barriers to engagement and in return we expect pupils to work with us and be respectful to others. Each provider will have their own rules and these will be communicated at induction, but general guidance is here:
Dress code:
Clothing must be suitable for the course attended and may involve wearing safety equipment. Pupils must adhere to the dress code and not wear inappropriate clothing to provision; there is no ‘uniform’.
Providers will explain the catering arrangements at induction and some may need pupils to bring a packed lunch and some may allow pupils off site to buy lunch (permission from parents required). Pupils are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards shop staff and members of the public during these breaks and return to the provider promptly at the end of their break.
In some cases, taxi transport is provided to ensure that pupils can attend their placements and parents must support their child in being ready on time to access this. HBEP expect all pupils to be courteous to transport providers at all times.
It may be necessary for your child to be transported by appropriate members of HBEP staff, educational provider staff (including staff employed by other educational partnerships) and appropriate transport companies commissioned by HBEP and providers
Any transport provided must be accessed promptly otherwise it may be withdrawn and parent/carer will then need to make alternative arrangements and meet the cost of those arrangements.
While every effort is made to ensure that taxis comply with safety measures, it is at the carers’ discretion to use this service. This may include transport to and from home, off site visits or other appropriate journeys.
Restricted items:
If there is cause to suspect that a pupil has bought smoking paraphernalia, drugs, alcohol or weapons onto site, pupils will be searched and if necessary, police will be alerted. Phones can be a cause of distraction and are not required in the learning environment. HBEP and many of our providers require that these are handed in during learning and kept safely or the provider may allow them to be kept out of sight and on ‘silent’. Pupils sign to agree to sensible phone use as part of our admission process.
Please be aware that school age students are classed as minors, according to the law. If your child goes missing with no explanation the parent/carer will be contacted and if necessary the police will be involved.
If your child is ill please text the admin phone as soon as possible on 07585442162 so that transport can be alerted. We do not authorize holidays during term time but if your child has a medical appointment please let us know in advance. If your child fails to attend provision on a regular basis and will not engage with our staff in solving any problems to overcome this, the case will be referred to an Attendance Improvement Officer and legal action is likely to be taken.
HBEP will make every effort to contact a parent/carer if it is judged that a pupil needs to be sent home for medical reasons. If a parent/carer cannot be contacted, a message or text will be left and the pupil will be sent directly home or to a pre-agreed alternative address. It is expected that the pupil remains at the address they are sent to until the end of the school day.
Student Induction
We provide a time for new students to attend a 1:1 baseline assessment appointment so that they can complete these and meet some of the staff.
Once our child attends their provision with HBEP for the first time, they will also run through the attached induction process:
Data Protection and Sharing of Information Consent:
To comply with the Data Protection Action 1998, we need your permission before we can photograph or make recordings of your child. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, it is necessary to obtain your permission and the permission of your child, if over 12 years of age, if personal information is to be shared with other agencies such as other schools/academies, learning providers, support agencies (such as the Youth Service and family support workers) and careers advisers. The principles of the Data Protection Act state that data must be stored safely. Information kept on file would be the same as that which is normally kept by the school/academy, ie name, address, contact numbers, medical information, information about educational abilities and interests, any SEND and behaviour of your child. Sometimes information of a more sensitive nature e.g. child subject to a Child Protection Plan, involvement with the Youth Service, Mosaic etc may be passed on to agencies as necessity requires to safeguard the interests of your child. We will take due care with personal information when sharing it with other agencies. In the interests of meeting the pupils’ needs it is advantageous that information/reports from other agencies such as CAMHS, Educational Psychologists, social workers etc. are passed to HBEP so that they and the providers they commission can be better informed of needs.
Term Dates 2024-25
Autumn Term 29th August to 20th December
Half Term: 21st- 25th October
Christmas: 23rd Dec- 3rd Jan
Spring Term 7th Jan to 11th April
Half Term: 17th-21st Feb
Easter: 14th April- 25th April
Summer Term 28th April- 11th July
Half Term: 26th-30th May
Inset Days:
27th and 28th August
15th November
6th January
27th June
Year 11 Study Leave: 23rd May
Should you need to report a safeguarding concern out of school term time, please phone First Response on 0116 305 0005
Rita Pierson
“Every child deserves a champion”