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HBEP Support Forum


We understand that identifying when a child needs additional support can be difficult. That's why we have developed our multi-agency discussion forum. Our forum brings together experts from a range of fields and together, these professionals work to identify the specific needs of each child and develop a tailored support program. Teachers can refer a child to the forum for discussion by completing the online form below.

Links to Assessments mentioned in Support Forum:

Support Forum Dates:

8.30am-10.30am TEAMS


20th Sept

18th October

22nd November

20th December

31st January

28th February

28th March

9th May

13th June


In addition to a monthly Support Forum, articles about behaviour and SEND plus any links to training will be shared in our 'Blog'. Check it out on this page here.

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) is an issue that the LA are dedicated to addressing. It can be difficult to recognize, but it can be characterized by a student’s reluctance to attend school on a regular basis due to an intense fear or emotional distress. Pupils are referred for discussion at an EBSA Forum and then will be discussed with the Partnership Engagement Officer. For more details of their role please click the links below. 

EBSA Forum Dates:

Assessments linked to EBSA:

8.30am-10.30am TEAMS


6th Sept

4th October

8th November

13th December

17th January

14th February

14th March

4th April




16th May

6th June

4th July



Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our partnership is committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of their background or needs, have access to high-quality education. While we do not have our own SENDCo, we work closely with school SENDCos to identify children who require an EHC Needs Assessment. Our team offers support to help schools develop the best approach to helping those children. We provide resources to ensure that schools can accommodate the unique needs of each student and succeed in their educational journey.

Resources for SEND Support

Leicestershire SENA Inclusion Practice Toolkit:


What is the toolkit? What is it? This toolkit has been produced to support colleagues in meeting need and achieving the best outcomes for our children and young people. It will allow mainstream schools to understand what is expected of them, as well as identify additional avenues for support when the child/young person needs it. It is not a 'tick-list', and needs based approaches should be used.


Who can use it?

• Parent/carers can use this toolkit to better understand the resources available to providers

• Schools can use this toolkit as plans are made to meet pupil or student needs, and to understand what is expected of them. It is primarily aimed at both mainstream primary and secondary settings.

• The Local Authority can use this toolkit as part of decision making to understand whether in spite of the setting appropriately applying the Graduated Response, provision is needed for the pupil that is over and above what is ordinarily available.


Who has been involved in producing it?

The following toolkit has been produced with the support of SENCo’s, Headteachers, Parent/Carers, Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teaching Services, SENA (The Special Educational Needs Assessment Department within Leicestershire County Council), the transformation unit and others. It has drawn on the existing local offer and the SEND Handbook, and must be read in the context of The Equality Act (2010), the SEND Code of Practice, the National High Needs funding approach, and the Children and Families Act and associated legislation and regulations.

NASEN's Whole School SEND Teacher Handbook is also a wealth of advice for SEND pupils within schools:

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